On Saturday morning, social platforms, mainly Twitter, was crowded with customer complaints regarding to their Mandiri balance accounts’ error. Some of them complained about the balance in their accounts to reduce drastically without any transactions. While others faced with increasing balance. It turns out that a number of Bank Mandiri services was having a glitch.
Corporate Secretary of Bank Mandiri Corporation, Rohan Hafas, stated that the drastic change of balance in some of Mandiri’s customer bank account is caused by the daily moving system process. “We are here to inform that the changes of balance in some of the customer’s bank accounts happened when the daily moving process from the core system to back up system was in progress, and in this time an error happened to the balance data of 10% Mandiri’s customer,” said Rohan Hafas in the press conference held last Saturday in Plaza Bank Mandiri. Rohan affirmed that an error is the cause of the change of balance in some account, not fraud. This problem is caused by a system failure, because of a memory defect in the hardware and resulted in the changes in balance. After the customer’s account balance normalization process, Bank Mandiri will ensure all services will be back to normal. All the services includes Mandiri Online, Internet Banking, ATM, and EDC.
As a result of changes in balance to customers due to a disruption in the IT system, Bank Mandiri's shares at the opening of trading on Monday (7/22/2019) fell 0.95 percent to Rp. 7,800 per share.Due to related news regarding the IT disruption which caused the changes in balance went public, it affected and caused a movement in Bank Mandiri shares. The decline continued at 12:30 WIB, where the decline reached 1.27 percent to Rp 7,775 a share. The total frequency of Bank Mandiri's stock transactions today reached 1,426 transactions. Bank Mandiri's shares are also the most widely sold by foreign investors, amounting to Rp 111.5 billion. Overall foreign investors posted net sales of shares in the entire market of Rp 246.86 billion, most of which was done in the negotiation / cash market, which was Rp 228.97 billion. The remaining Rp. 17.89 billion in the regular market. BMRI shares also became one of the stocks that pushed the JCI's performance to negative in the trade earlier this week. JCI on Monday (7/22) ended with a decline of 22.99 points or 0.36% to 6,433.55.
CNBC Indonesia
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